Abraj Atta’awuneya Tower more Conveniently located at the heart of the Ulaya district, Riyadh's primary business center, Abraj Atta’awuneya offers spacious, state-of-art offices designed to meet the ever-changing needs of professional, high profile business.Abraj Atta’awuneya is at the Heart of Ryadh's business centre and near to many hotels and shops.
With the king Fahad expressway on one side and busy ulaya street on the other, Abraj Atta’awuneya is Easily Accessible from anywhere in the city and near to the locality's many shops ,Hotels and business Services.
Abraj Atta’awuneya First class Offices and Facilities, Including Security and three Level of Undergrounding Car Parking , are also available within the complex itself and Outside Parking Multistories Building Connected with .....
Abraj Atta’awuneya comprises two towers, each offering 19 levels of prime office space, there is a strong emphasis on convenience, comfort and security throughout the towers, which are linked at ground level and by enclosed walkways on the 13th and 17th levels.
Lifts lead from the underground car parks to the separate, luxuriously-appointed receptions and high speed elevators serving each tower. Although the towers are easily accessible from street level, the building’s sophisticated ‘Smart Card’ security system ensures that only registered tenants and invited visitors are able to gain entry to the offices themselves. All tower tenants are allocated their own ‘Smart Card’, which can be worn as a badge, automatically opening doors to the areas they are authorized to enter. Visitors on the other hand, are required to register at reception for temporary security clearance.
Cutting-edge communication .....